Immediately after switching the page, it will work with CSR.
Please reload your browser to see how it works.
I was there, I suffered through it, Google would have to make TONS of hostile moves for that fact to change.
I have no interest in the arguments of a closed source subscription service that wants me to switch to the bundled browser of the wealthiest company on earth's most popular consumer OS, lecturing me about using the 4th wealthiest company on earth's browser that I freely installed.
The most important one from an anti-trust perspective, every device I've ever had Chrome on I've had to seek out and install/make default Chrome, that includes my mobile devices which used the manufactures browser by default.
If I want to use chromium I can, Safari has been VERY late in implementing certain industry spec standards (SSE's, web sockets, IndexedDB API, animations, relative color syntax, container queries, a bunch of <video> stuff, flexbox, the list goes on and on.)
In teeny tiny font near the bottom:
"Given the market-share dominance of Blink-based browsers,[4] if Google chooses to not support a standard, like JPEG XL,[30][31] it will not become relevant on the Web.[30][31] Such standards are not listed in these tables."
So if Chrome implements something that Safari doesn't, then its a deficiency in Safari. If Safari supports something Chrome doesn't, its not relevant so will not appear in any comparison tables.
Chrome is 100% the new IE, as it is the being treated as the sole arbiter of what is a web standard or not.
If it works on Chrome, no one cares or even tests for other things.
If there is a JS feature in Chrome they want to use, so it’s impossible to use other browsers (instead of looking wrong) people do it.
Performs fine in Chrome? Ship it.
Yes, Chrome is the new IE in that it’s the only browsers companies care about, just like IE was for a very long time.
Everything has to be Chrome compatible to succeed. That’s the benchmark, not what the spec says.