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⬅️ CSS gets a new logo and it uses the color `rebeccapurple`
langsoul-com 8 daysReload
> The color was originally going to be called beccapurple, but Meyer asked that it instead be named rebeccapurple, as his daughter had wanted to be called Rebecca once she had turned six. She had said that Becca was a "baby name," and that once she had turned six, she wanted to be called Rebecca. As Eric Meyer put it, "She made it to six. For almost twelve hours, she was six. So Rebecca it is and must be."

Wasn't expecting tears over a colour

empathy_m 8 daysReload
Eric Meyer's posts about his daughter's illness, and the family's lifelong process of grieving afterward, are heartbreaking. It's arresting, gripping writing. It's wonderful and awful. Hug your loved ones tight.

WD-42 8 daysReload
I really don’t like these logos that are boxes with text in the lower right. The post cites a “common design language” with other tech but this has to be the most low effort language imaginable.

dang 8 daysReload
Related. Others?

Adding 'rebeccapurple' color to CSS Color Level 4 (2014) - - Dec 2022 (1 comment)

Adding 'rebeccapurple' color to CSS Color Level 4 (2014) - - May 2015 (33 comments)

Adding 'rebeccapurple' color to CSS Color Level 4 - - June 2014 (25 comments)

In memory of Rebecca Alison Meyer - - June 2014 (68 comments)

shahzaibmushtaq 8 daysReload
I will never ever forget this color name and the story behind it for the rest of my life.