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⬅️ Convolutional Differentiable Logic Gate Networks
westurner 5 daysReload
The Solvay-Kitaev algorithm for quantum logical circuit construction in context to "Artificial Intelligence for Quantum Computing" (2024):

From :

Quantum logic gate > Universal quantum gates: :

> Some universal quantum gate sets include:

> - The rotation operators Rx(θ), Ry(θ), Rz(θ), the phase shift gate P(φ)[c] and CNOT are commonly used to form a universal quantum gate set.

> - The Clifford set {CNOT, H, S} + T gate. The Clifford set alone is not a universal quantum gate set, as it can be efficiently simulated classically according to the Gottesman–Knill theorem.

> - The Toffoli gate + Hadamard gate. ; [[CCNOT,CCX,TOFF], H]

> - [The Deutsch Gate]

mikewarot 7 daysReload
The approach of making an algebraic function across real numbers that can then be differentiated to allow for training, seems brilliant to me. The end result of this work is a trees of logical gates, which could be pushed into an FPGA for really fast and efficient execution.

I look forward to digging into their results, and attempting to parse them into something that works with a bit level systolic array.

meltyness 8 daysReload
Differentiable relaxation makes it sound like Rowhammer backpropagation, but I'm fairly certain that's not what they're talking about.