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For the previous challenges I haven't had any problems, finding the correct tools for each challenge wasn't really hard. But #7 and #8 were stressing me out, not because the "developer part" but the challenge itself, as I needed to remember things and be fast.
But I think the tips website is really well made! And the challenges that weren't tedious were quite fun, as it was cool to see how the developer tools can be (ab)used to created challenges like these!
The second puzzle was great because the tool gave me a way to solve the puzzle. The tool for the third puzzle didn't really help because I still had to tap a lot, so I quit.
I know that my feedback may sound negative. I think the concept is great and after one or two revisions I can see folks enjoying it quite a bit!
Are you planning to do something similar for iOS?
As a legal geek, I feel the need to point out that you haven’t linked to any privacy policies or similar documents (at least on the website). Is that something you’ve thought about?
In the early stages you’re in, you’ll probably be fine, but you wouldn’t want to risk getting sued for something so simple down the line.
I’m the creator of a tool called Legalfast (, so I’d obviously recommend it. And hey… if the early adopter pricing feels too steep, let me know!
Wishing you all the best, // Sebbe