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⬅️ Gregglogger
gregsadetsky 8 hoursReload
Hi, I’m the “greg”. AMA??

But also, this is Rafal’s project. I’m just a huge huge fan of his..! See:

And !

krackers 9 hoursReload
>To my knowledge, this can be fixed by requesting the OS-level accessibility permissions, which would require a separate user interaction.

Does this imply that running Gregglogger _doesn't_ require granting accessibility input monitoring permission? On osx there's at least 4 ways to monitor inputs I think (iokit level, cgeventap, carbon event monitoring, cocoa global event monitor), I'd really expect all of them to require the input monitoring permission.

WD-42 8 hoursReload
Fun read, thanks.

I also wrote a 5ish line python script that instead of logging keys, presses them. I used it to avoid idle detection in a game a few years ago. Similarly to you, I found it somewhat disconcerting how easy it was. This was on windows though.

0x416c6578 2 hoursReload
I’ve now spent about half an hour watching videos about canned fish, must say it’s a fascinating topic