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⬅️ Development Notes from xkcd's "Machine"
ralferoo 11 daysReload
Reading this write up is funny, because I had no idea this is what was happening. There didn't seem to be an explanation of what was going on. I didn't know it was a shared experience, just that various random things seemed to be chaotically happening. I completed a couple of tiles and I guess submitted them as I thought that was how you got to "the next level", but gave them really stupid names like "test 1b" - mostly this is because I assumed it was single player and only I'd be seeing the name!

I also got bored after creating a couple of tiles. I scrolled around and saw very complicated things, but didn't realise they were submissions, just starting points for solving the level...

I guess I was the April Fool!

itslennysfault 11 daysReload
I was adding a lot of "bonk" elements and I seem to have murdered rapier...

    Uncaught Error: recursive use of an object detected which would lead to unsafe aliasing in rust
    at jt (rapier_wasm2d_bg.js:4836:11)
    at 4ea5626ea4b1e4145572.module.wasm:0xf061c
    at 4ea5626ea4b1e4145572.module.wasm:0xf0638
    at 4ea5626ea4b1e4145572.module.wasm:0xb5e7b
    at H.remove (rapier_wasm2d_bg.js:1051:14)
    at l.remove (collider_set.js:87:18)
    at y.removeCollider (world.js:343:28)
    at PhysicsContext.tsx:258:15

Also, this is super fun, and I'm sad I didn't learn about it when it was still live. It'd be really really cool if people could still permalink individual machines created. I know that might be an issue for storage. Maaaaaybe just base64 encode the JSON into a URL param??? Please?? I'd love to create weird maps and share them with people.

bell-cot 11 daysReload
FWIW, HN's April 6th item on this, with 14 comments:

donquichotte 11 daysReload
> There was no incentive to carefully consider where to place a sticker. Players didn’t have enough agency to advance the plot through their individual action. This limited creativity to simple patterns like tiling similar stickers or forming lines.

Ah, the game turned into a big corp job!

CyberShadow 11 daysReload
I tried participating when it came out. I think I spent an hour building something that was as reliable (in terms of getting the correct balls to the correct output) as I could. After I submitted it, I refreshed the page and found at that spot someone else's contraption (which was, admittedly, prettier, but not as reliable). Oh well; though, I wish that sort of thing was a bit more up front.

It also looks like I'm not the only one who hasn't figured out that the list of building blocks is scrollable!