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⬅️ Show HN: I built a non-linear UI for ChatGPT
lIIllIIllIIllII 11 daysReload
For what it's worth, one CSS line lags the HELL out of my laptop on the site. It's backdrop-filter: blur(0.1875rem) for modals, like the youtube video popup

carlosbaraza 11 daysReload
Sometime ago I had an idea for a similar interface without the dragging feature. Basically, just a tree visualisation. I usually discuss a tangent topic in the same conversation, but I don't want to confuse the AI afterwards, so I edit a previous message when the tangent started. However, OpenAI would discard that tangent tree, instead it would be nice to have a tree of the tangent topics explored, without necessarily having to sort them manually, just visualising the tree.

btbuildem 11 daysReload
Interesting take! It does seem to address a typical "intermediate" workflow; even though we prefer linear finished products, we often work by completing a hierarchy first. I've been using Gingko [1] for years, I find it eases the struggle of organizing the structure of a problem by both allowing endless expansion of levels, and easily collapsing it into a linear structure.

In your case, do you hold N contexts (N being the number of leaves in the tree)? Are the chats disconnected from each other? How do you propose to transition from an endless/unstructured canvas to some sort of a finished, organized deliverable?


pants2 11 daysReload
From watching the demo it looks interesting, but I figure I would get tired of dragging nodes around and looking for ones that I'm interested in. Does it allow searching?

It would be more interesting to me if it could use AI as an agent to create a graph view - or at least propose/highlight followup questions that self-organize into a graph.