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⬅️ Launch HN: Baselit (YC W23) – Automatically Reduce Snowflake Costs
ukd1 11 daysReload
How does this differ from ?

mustansirm 11 daysReload
Not a Snowflake user, but I'm curious as to your business model. What barriers are there to prevent Snowflake from reverse engineering your work and including it as part of their native experience? Is the play here an eventual aquisition?

candiddevmike 11 daysReload
What happened to your other idea?

datadrivenangel 11 daysReload
Productizing cost optimization experience! Great to see more options in this space, as so many companies are surprised by the costs of cloud.

For the warehouse size experimentation, how do you value processing time?

michaelmior 11 daysReload
How does this differ from Keebo?