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⬅️ Show HN: I made a better Perplexity for developers
fallingsquirrel 11 daysReload
Since you asked for feedback: I tried it out by asking about Zig conditional compilation, and it hallucinated some syntax that doesn't exist.

EDIT: The syntax came from a language proposal in a github issue from 8 years ago, so I guess it's not fully hallucinated. But still not the best choice of what source to use.

rcarmo 11 daysReload
I don't really get Perplexity - it is amazingly slick, but I get almost line-by-line identical output from Bing Chat, so I have to wonder how much differentiation they really afford (I haven't set up an account, just comparing free access). This, though, has mostly gotten what I asked it right (including some arcane C++ stuff), so I will be giving it a try at home.

devmor 11 daysReload
It's not very good at giving the proper credence to version numbers.

Granted I started with a hard one, but I asked it how to create a GTK3 interface with PHP, and it gave me instructions to download and use an abandoned project for GTK2, but described it as GTK3 in the steps.

I tried asking it some other questions about languages and applications specific to version numbers - it seems to provide incredibly ambiguous and version agnostic responses, or tells me essentially "you may or may not be able to do this, and you should check if you can" when the answer is clearly that it is not possible. Or it just ignores the version entirely and provides instructions that don't match up - hallucinating UI elements or commands that don't (or didn't yet) exist.

For something targeted at developers, this is a gaping hole and is what I would consider a major oversight - the responses I'm getting are very similar in content to what I get from GPT and Ollama's generic models.

_akhe 11 daysReload
Great UI/UX and very nice work!

I just tested it by typing "llama cpp gpu support" that's it.

Flawless instructions for Python, but when I followed up with

"in node"

It didn't know about node-llama-cpp. Is there a general knowledge cutoff, and/or is loading developer-specific stuff a manual process?

mg 11 daysReload
Have you thought about accepting the query as a get request?

The 3 engines you mention (Perplexity, and Phind) all do that. So do Google, Bing and DuckDuckGo. It makes it easier to link to results and build custom links.

Also, I could add you to Gnod Search then: