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⬅️ TimesFM: Time Series Foundation Model for time-series forecasting
whimsicalism 11 daysReload
I'm curious why we seem convinced that this is a task that is possible or something worthy of investigation.

I've worked on language models since 2018, even then it was obvious why language was a useful and transferable task. I do not at all feel the same way about general univariate time series that could have any underlying process.

wuj 11 daysReload
On a related note, Amazon also had a model for time series forecasting called Chronos.

nwoli 11 daysReload
Seems like a pretty small (low latency) model. Would be interesting to hook up to mouse input (x and y) and see how well it predicts where I’m gonna move the mouse (maybe with and without seeing the predicted path)

uoaei 11 daysReload
"Time series" is such an over-subscribed term. What sorts of time series is this actually useful for?

For instance, will it be able to predict dynamics for a machine with thousands of sensors?

chaos_emergent 11 daysReload
"Why would you even try to predict the weather if you know it's going to be wrong?"

- most OCs on this thread