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⬅️ Encore: Distributed systems runtime for TypeScript, written in Rust
ivanvanderbyl 135 daysReload
I’ve been using the Go version of Encore for the past year. Overall it’s been really pleasant, a few rough edges that their team helped resolve, but it saved so much time on Ops that it was well worth it.

halfmatthalfcat 135 daysReload
Where is the distributed part in all this? Looks like a typical runtime to me?

esafak 135 daysReload
This looks like a cross between Heroku and NATS. Any users care to comment?

bluelightning2k 135 daysReload
I've seen Encore pop up here before and been impressed with some blog posts.

But the product itself seems vague. I think it's abstractions to simplify cloud primitives.

I like the brand, tone and presentation.

PoignardAzur 134 daysReload
What does Encore do, exactly? From the comments here and the blog post it's not super clear to me.