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⬅️ Ointers: A library for representing pointers where bits have been stolen (2021)
gizmo 11 daysReload
Stealing bits from pointers makes sense sometimes, but in most cases an easier and less error-prone way to increase memory efficiency is to just use indices or relative pointers. Instead of shaving individual bits of a pointer take advantage of the fact that most pointers in a program are almost exactly alike.

Instead of storing a 64 bit prev and next pointer for an item in a linked list just store e.g. two 16 bit offsets. Then the next_ptr = (this_ptr & base_mask) + offset * alignment.

Most of the time wasting memory by storing full 64bit pointers is no big deal. But when it is, you can go a lot further than just shaving off a few bits.

If you want to be extra clever you can encode values in the base address of your pointers by taking advantage of how virtual memory is allocated. Every process has its own virtual memory pages and you can request memory pages at specific address ranges. For instance if you align all your memory at a 32gb boundary then you can use 32bit pointers + a base pointer without even having to mask. You can also use virtual memory allocation tricks to convey information about alignment, typing, whether a pointer is allowed to be shared between threads and so on. And again, without having to butcher the pointer itself.

pavlov 11 daysReload
Technically it’s an ointer on PowerPC and SPARC, but a pointe everywhere else.

sojuz151 11 daysReload
This look like something that debuggers would hate, because following pointers would be broken

malkia 11 daysReload
I've posted about MGS PS1 port we did to PC and how some pointers to the C4 bomb planted posted meant it was on the wall or on the ground - here ->

to quote me:

- The game used a tricky pointer hack, basically on the PSX accessing a pointer with the highest-24-bit set means read it from the CPU cache, otherwise not (or maybe the other way around). This was used for example to indicate whether the C4 bomb was planted on the ground, or on the wall instead of keeping a booblean/bit flag for it. Possibly was used for some more things. Since it was 24-bit, that meant 16mb.

zozbot234 11 daysReload
Are there ways on Linux to make sure that all user-visible pointers in a process are allocated within some subset of the overall address space? For instance, imagine writing a 64-bit program such that all userspace pointers are allocated within the first 32 bits. This would allow for representing them in memory using four bytes, as is commonly done on 32-bit architectures--without adding more extensive or ad-hoc changes such as a new "x32" binary format. Except that you could also limit to 24-bit (giving 16M of address space), 16-bit (for a "tiny" code model) or anything else. Of course, this would require some amount of support in the linker/loader, userspace libraries and the kernel itself. But the effort might be worthwhile if it can allow for replacing more ad-hoc approaches.