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⬅️ The Birth of Parquet
fizx 11 daysReload
Fun story time: I was at twitter for a few years and tended to write quick hacks that people wanted to replace with better engineering.

We never had scala thrift bindings, and the Java ones were awkward from Scala, so I wrote a thrift plugin in JRuby that used the Ruby thrift parser and ERb web templates to output some Scala code. Integrated with our build pipeline, worked great for the company.

I also wrote one era of twitter's service deploy system on a hacked up Capistrano.

These projects took a few days because they were dirty hacks, but I still got a below perf review for getting easily distracted, because I didn't yet know how to sell those company-wide projects.

Anyhow, about a month before that team kicked off Parquet, I showed them a columnar format I made for a hackweek based on Lucene's codec packages, and was using to power a mixpanel-alike analytics system.

I'm not sure whether they were inspired or terrified that my hack would reach production, but I like to think I had a small hand in getting Parquet kickstarted.

colloydi 10 daysReload
Tangential to the topic but regarding the supposed Snowball Effect there is in real life no such thing. I have pushed large 'snowballs' down slopes --in reality they are snow cylinders as shown in the photo-- and they invariably do not get far. The reason being that when one side of the cylinder randomly thickens slightly with respect to the other side this causes the whole thing to turn in the opposite direction.

For example, if the RHS of your cylinder has a slightly larger radius than the LHS the cylinder will commence turning to the left.

The upshot is the thick side picks up more snow than the thin side and the disparity in radii increases more rapidly still. The cylinder becomes a truncated cone which turns sideways and halts!

pradeepchhetri 11 daysReload
Reading through this blog, to me it seems Parquet is lot like ClickHouse native data format.

Best part of ClickHouse native data format is I can use the same ClickHouse queries and can run in local or remote server/cluster and let ClickHouse to decide the available resources in the most performant way.

ClickHouse has a native and the fastest integration with Parquet so i can:

- Query local/s3 parquet data from command line using clickhouse-local.

- Query large amount of local/s3 data programmatically by offloading it to clickhouse server/cluster which can do processing in distributed fashion.

calderwoodra 11 daysReload
I've been struggeling with a tough parquet problem for a few months now.

I have a 15gb parquet file in a s3 bucket and I need to "unzip" and extract every row from the file to write into my database. The contents of the file are emails and I need to integrate them into our search function.

Is this possible to do without an unreasonable amount of RAM? Are there any affordable services that can help here?

Feel free to contact me (email in bio), happy to pay for a consult at the minimum.

Zababa 10 daysReload
It's very interesting to see how a new "enterprise open source" project is born. The part where right at the start the author knows that they should have more than one company on board, and how the other companies each contribute their part.