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⬅️ Using AirPods as a Morse Transmitter
NoMoreNicksLeft 11 daysReload
What I really need is for the buzzer in the phone to buzz out Morse, so I can get information about who's sending a message without taking it out of my pocket. Maybe even for short messages just play out the whole message. First I guess I need to learn Morse though.

chadrs 11 daysReload
This is a cool toy, I've been wanting to do something similar with my flipper zero to make a BT morse keyboard.

This also reminds me of TapXR, which I would totally buy if did morse, instead of inventing their own encoding. I get it, theirs is probably way faster but fluency is morse is more general purpose.

finaard 11 daysReload
A while ago I hooked up the ambient light sensor of android devices as morse input for Emacs:

dheera 11 daysReload
Another method -- Why not use one airpod to emit a constant sinewave and then use the other airpod's microphone listen for the amplitude of that sine wave to detect whether or not the microphone hole it is covered by a finger? I think it could make for a much faster and more efficient morse input, since you can detect dots and dashes directly instead of requiring a double-press as a dash.

There's a good chance you could also just do it with the amplitude of ambient noise and forget the sine wave generator.

als0 11 daysReload
Awesome. This is why I come to Hacker News.