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⬅️ An operating system for the web
claudiulodro 11 daysReload
Maybe I'm not super clear on the distinction, but isn't a web browser already the operating system for the web? It's the "OS" that runs web applications!

frou_dh 11 daysReload
Not sure about this. Sounds like it's somewhat arbitrarily reframing RPC over HTTP as OS system calls. But maybe I just don't get it.

x3haloed 11 daysReload
I don't understand. What's an example of something that could be achieved using a system like this?

gwbas1c 11 daysReload
I wrote something based around these concepts in 2008-2010:

I don't think it "works" in today's world where installed apps on iOS / Android are more common than web applications.

daitangio 11 daysReload
Try pigshell, It is an interesting approach… but it is a bit old project