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⬅️ Japanese Trade Publications Helped Japan Form a New Graphic Identity (2023)
bane 11 daysReload
I grew up in a family printing company and we were surrounded by trade publications and product catalogs - ranging from the paper industry to digital imaging (way back in the early 90s!).

Many of them were the usual sort of drab industry stuff you might expect in a non-sexy dying industry like printing. But a few of them, particularly from paper companies, were often beautiful works of art with some of the best graphic design I've ever seen combined (obviously) with absolutely immaculate selection of paper products throughout the publications. Just beautiful stuff.

A few of them were so great I read and reread them as a child just for the visual awe they inspired in me.

Sadly most of that stuff was tossed over the years, but I'd love to see even a digital archive of some of that material.

somedude895 8 daysReload
The fact that there are no descriptive captions for any of the images on that page annoys me to no end.