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⬅️ Secure Randomness in Go 1.22
nickcw 13 daysReload
From the article

> Go aims to help developers write code that is secure by default. When we observe a common mistake with security consequences, we look for ways to reduce the risk of that mistake or eliminate it entirely. In this case, math/rand’s global generator was far too predictable, leading to serious problems in a variety of contexts.

> For example, when Go 1.20 deprecated math/rand’s Read, we heard from developers who discovered (thanks to tooling pointing out use of deprecated functionality) they had been using it in places where crypto/rand’s Read was definitely needed, like generating key material.

I made exactly this mistake in rclone. I refactored some code which was using the Read function from crypt/rand and during the process the import got automatically changed (probably by goimports when mixing code which did use math/rand) to math/rand. So it changed from using a secure random number generator to a deterministic one rclone seeded with the time of day. I didn't notice in the diffs :-( Hence

So this change gets a big :+1: from me.

rsc 14 daysReload
(This was posted last week by spacey at as well, but that post seems to have been incorrectly buried as a duplicate of The two blog posts are two in a series but quite different: this one is about efficient secure random number generator algorithms, while the earlier one was about Go API design.)

room271 13 daysReload
Russell Cox consistently produces excellent technical blogs and proposals (and work). If you want to improve the clarity of your writing and thinking, he is a great place to start.

jedisct1 13 daysReload
I've been using `math/rand` instead of `crypto/rand` where `crypto/rand` was absolutely needed. This resulted in static keys being used in early versions of dnscrypt-proxy2.

The reason is that I'm using the VSCode extension that automatically adds imports. In all the source files requiring secure randomness, I carefully imported `crypto/rand` manually, but I forgot to do it in one of the files. Everything compiled and worked file, and I didn't notice that in that specific file, the extension silently added a `math/rand` import.

Since then, I import `crypto/rand` as `cryptorand` to avoid the wrong `rand` to be automatically imported.

By the way, Zig also uses a ChaCha8-based random number generator, and for cryptographic operations, people can't supply their own generator; the secure one is always used. For testing, some functions accept an explicit seed. For constrained environments, the standard library also includes a smaller one based on the Ascon permutation and the Reverie construction.

supakeen 13 daysReload
I've often thought about why the default implementation of many randoms around programming languages is to use LSFRs, MTs, and other fast RNGs in the 2020s.

It seems to be better to err on the side of 'people dont know if they want a PRNG or a CSPRNG' and switch the default to the latter with an explicit choice for the former for people that know what they need :)