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⬅️ Pair Your Compilers at the ABI Café
jcranmer 11 daysReload
I can definitely feel the pain of trying to work out ABI mismatch concerns. It doesn't help that it often isn't clear from the output what some of the underlying assumptions are--expected stack alignment, for example, or structs being broken up into registers or not.

It would be nice if compilers could output some sort of metadata that basically says "ah yes, here's a struct, it requires this alignment, fields are at these offsets and have these sizes, and are present in these cases" (the latter option being able to support discriminated unions) or "function call, parameters are here, here, and here." You'd think this is what DWARF itself provides, but if you play around with DWARF for a bit, you discover that it actually lacks a lot of the low-level ABI details you want to uncover; instead, it's more of a format that's meant to be generic enough to convey to the debugger the AST of the source program along with some hint of how to map the binary code to that AST--you can't really write a language-agnostic DWARF-based debugger.

zX41ZdbW 11 daysReload
I think the right way to avoid this problem is to avoid using ABI at runtime or build time.

At runtime, it means - don't use shared libraries. At build time, it means - build every library from the source, don't use pre-built artifacts.

This sounds controversial... But it allows you to change compiler or compiler options at any time, and you don't have to bother. It also enables cross-compilation, reproducible builds, and portable binaries. You no longer have to ask developers to set up a complex build environment on a specific Linux distribution because it works everywhere.

I use this approach for ClickHouse.

not2b 11 daysReload
There is a specified common C++ ABI that gcc, clang, Intel's proprietary compiler, and others use. It was originally developed for the Itanium processor but is now used by gcc and clang for everything. See

Unfortunately this ABI didn't specify how __int128 (and other nonstandard types) are to be passed.

gigel82 11 daysReload
I struggled with this many times and at the end of the day threw down the towel and just wrapped everything in plain C exports. That's the only way I know to get ABI compatibility across different compilers/toolsets/versions. COM-like constructs come as a close second.

It's an unfortunate state.

w10-1 11 daysReload
Also function pointers, errors & exception-handling, async/channels/thread-local's, go stacks, swift @objc, @cdecl and cpp inter-op, FFI dialects...

It's not really pain anymore; it's a kind of hilarity