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⬅️ AI is making Meta's apps basically unusable
ethanholt1 15 daysReload
> My Facebook is engulfed with AI-generated images and gullible users who seem to have no idea that they are looking at fakes.

I honestly believe that most, if not all, of the users replying to these AI generated posts may in fact be bots themselves, built to boost engagement. It's a downward spiral. AI generates image > Bots congratulate it > It learns to generate images more like it > Images become even more deformed. It's gotten pretty bad.

kaycebasques 15 daysReload
> The Meta AI experience has so far been a spam-filled one. Nowhere is that clearer than on Instagram where the search function, once a place to look up a friend’s account, now exists seemingly to usher users into conversation with a chatbot. “Ask Meta AI anything” it now reads in my search bar. Um, no. I just want to look up my dog’s daycare to see if they posted any pictures of her.

I've experienced this and it's perplexing. I was recently looking for things to do in Osaka during my upcoming visit. Probably a high-value query for advertisers: I would definitely be receptive to ads from restaurants, museums, etc. But instead it dumped me to a chatbot that was not capable to funnel me to any ads like that???

maltalex 15 daysReload
Feels like every product person in the software industry replaced their whole toolbelt with a hammer and is now on the hunt for nails.

MrDresden 15 daysReload
It's not just due to the introduction of LLMs that their software is basically useless.

I'm currently planning a bachelor party, and decided to create an account (terminated all Facebook/Instagram/Whatsapp accounts many years ago) on Facebook to reach everyone, and a group to organise in.

The user experience is horrendous. Comments in groups disappearing, notifications linking to items that don't exist, and messaging is so broken that I gave up and created a mailing list instead.

Then there are myriad of smaller quality of life issues as well.

Why anyone uses this mess on a regular basis is beyond me.

mvdtnz 15 daysReload
Wow the Meta AI pretending to have disabled children in order to inject itself into a conversation it was never invited into is incredibly creepy.