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⬅️ Cars are getting dumber [video]
surprisetalk 15 daysReload
If you're here, you may enjoy my recent rendering of a "Hyper-Realistic 2037 Concept Car Interior":


The design language of modern cars is bad in a consistent and unique way. I think this video does a good job of naming some of the quirks, but what I really want to know is what incentives cause all of this.

It's kind of like how Windows and Apple both have particular types of errors I expect at this point. I can make some guesses about why those companies are willing to compromise on quality in certain areas. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why the car industry makes its decisions.

winternett 14 daysReload
The problem is that he bought a Hyundai. They are deeply flawed in terms of reliability and safety, and that's how the company saves money. Problem solved.