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⬅️ The AI expert who cited himself thousands of times on scientific paper
limaoscarjuliet 16 daysReload
When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.

vinni2 16 daysReload
Which is why you should ask people to exclude self citations when reporting h-index. First of all Google scholar should fix this.

hilux 16 daysReload
This guy, David Sinclair at Harvard, Marc T-L at Stanford ... disappointing but not entirely surprising that even in academia the spoils go to the scammers.

samantha-wiki 15 daysReload
The link to his Google Scholar page from search results 404’s for me at the moment, however a recent copy is available here

HeatrayEnjoyer 16 daysReload
Thousands of times? Seems like the kind of thing a machine would do...
