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⬅️ LoRA+: Efficient Low Rank Adaptation of Large Models
batterseapower 16 daysReload
The other recent improvement suggested for LoRA is DoRA: It really does seem to strongly outperform LoRA - see also

cuuupid 16 daysReload
I’m struggling to understand from this paper whether the approach is better in the general sense (all cases, with wider models seeing greater benefits) or purely for wider models (with narrower models seeing detriment)?

If it’s the former this could effectively halve finetuning cost overnight which would go a significant way towards enabling a wider array of use cases for LoRA.

ironbound 16 daysReload
I've had sucess with GaLore: Memory-Efficient LLM Training by Gradient Low-Rank Projection

youssefabdelm 16 daysReload
A better name would've probably been FastLoRA or something

yau8edq12i 16 daysReload
What an unfortunate name... I initially thought this was about wireless communication.