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⬅️ Show HN: Docker-phobia: Analyze Docker image size with a treemap
bertman 15 daysReload
Why does this need to pipe a script into bash from a non-github origin?

And in that script, you're actually piping another script from yet another domain (``), where looks like some kind of ad-infested parking domain?

Scipio_Afri 16 daysReload
Not using https is bad.

curl -sf | sh

Also why just include that shell script in the repo and have people curl that?

XiS 16 daysReload
Cool, gonna try this soon. Would be great to use in combination with Dive (

willswire 15 daysReload
Ran this instead of that scary pipe thru sh command

go install

_joel 15 daysReload
No thanks, this looks shady as hell.