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⬅️ Zed Decoded: Rope and SumTree
MatthiasPortzel 16 daysReload
There’s a good series of posts called “Rope Science” by the author of the now-unmaintained Xi editor. These posts were cited as an inspiration by the Lapce author.


BaculumMeumEst 16 daysReload
I’ve tried Zed and it’s really nice but there is a very high bar for switching to a new editor - it has to be sufficiently better than alternatives and also have widespread adoption. There are so many man hours that went into things like undo-tree and magit. And thanks to the sheer popularity of mainstream editors, I can get language support for languages that aren’t even publicly available like Jai.

I want to use it, but I don’t think I am going to be able to justify investing in new editors at this point unless there is something extremely compelling about it.

alberth 16 daysReload
I really want to love Zed.

And truly believe they are onto something big with multiplayer coding, chat, collab.

But I’ve run into so many bugs I’ve had to stop using Zed.

The amount of time I’ve spent filing bugs, troubleshooting, documenting errors etc - is counter productive.

It makes me realize that I’m old enough now to just want things to work.

I’ll give it another go once it hits 1.0

Until then, wishing them the best and for them to make the developer world better for us all.

mightyham 16 daysReload
Similar to a SumTree, if all you need is incrementally computed values without data persistence, a heap makes for a more efficient data structure. I remember learning about this from the following blog:

josephg 16 daysReload
I’ve seen the SumTree pattern show up a bunch recently. As I understand it, VSCode has something similar for syntax highlighting. And I’ve both seen and written several implementations of this pattern in the various text CRDTs I’ve interacted with. - though in each case the structure is given a different name. (Eg RangeTree, ContentTree, G-Tree, etc).

It’s nice to see the idea is catching on. It’s a good one.