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⬅️ Making a Flute-Controlled Mouse
kazinator 17 daysReload
The remote possibilities here are staggering. If we could send beeps in the human vocal range over phone lines to control things, it could revolutionize telephony!

AlecSchueler 16 daysReload
Very cool but you wouldn't get very far in an FPS by sending one event at a time. This way you can't did things like strafe turning or shoot while walking.

A flute normally has about 2 octaves of diatonic notes, certainly true for a recorder. I'd suggest expanding the number of usable notes so that some could be used for compound commands.

In saying that, what would be even better, would be to allow the use multiple notes at ones, polyphonic instruments, so that chords could be used for this effect. Say you play a C to walk forwards, a G to strafe right, and E to shoot, then a C major triad could be played to do all these things simultaneously. A flute quartet could maybe play the game together.

adybray2 16 daysReload
Why is this not called PiedPiper?!?!

bewaretheirs 16 daysReload
The post links to a prior implementation: where it shown being in a FPS video game.

Top comment there is: "The Pied Sniper" (!)

That clip appears to be from (note: brief profanity at the end of the clip).

foreigner 17 daysReload
Does it work with whistling? You could control your mouse like that character from Guardians of the Galaxy!