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⬅️ What if null was an Object in Java?
hn_throwaway_99 15 daysReload
The problem isn't really that null isn't an object, it's that the type system allows any object reference of a particular class to also be null.

After using Typescript for the past couple years, it's such a joy when you define a variable of type Foo and know it won't contain null. Granted, TS also has to deal with undefined vs null weirdness (and even more weirdness in that an object not containing a property is subtly different from that object property being undefined), but in general the support for "optional" typing works very well.

Java tried to add things like the Optional class, but without first-class language support it's just a mess and you have developers doing crazy things, like having a method return an Optional that will sometimes also return null, by design (yes I've actually seen this).

jillesvangurp 15 daysReload
Kotlin makes nullability part of the typesystem. It's a good reference for what would happen if Java did this better because if you are using Java you can just switch to Kotlin and experience this in your own code base (you can mix Java and Kotlin code easily).

You can actually write extension functions for nullable types and calling them on a null value does not cause a Nullpointer exception. This also works with Java classes.

For example, there's a CharSequence?.isNullOrBlank(): Boolean function in the Kotlin standard library that allows you to implement a null or blank check on strings. There's a similar isNullOrEmpty function on Lists (and yes, this does work for nullable generic types too).

There are many good reasons to switch from Java to Kotlin. But this is probably one of the bigger ones and genuinely low hanging fruit. Made me feel stupid after years of dealing with Java NPEs routinely and writing a lot of very verbose and needlessly defensive Java code in attempts to avoid them. All that cruft goes away with a proper language. Other languages that do this too are available of course. Pick one. Any one that isn't Java. Dealing with this stuff in 2024 is stupid.

m_fayer 16 daysReload
I think the nullable reference type system in c# is a perfectly workable compromise for languages that had nullability from the very beginning. Once a code base uses them fully, most null-related bugs are gone. And it’s far from an unwieldy bolt-on.

mbb70 16 daysReload
Ruby has a `NilClass` and the best/worst part of it is the to_s is "", to_i is 0, to_f is 0.0, to_a is [], to_h is {}

It's incredibly clean and convenient until you wake up one morning and have no idea what is happening in your code

nitwit005 15 daysReload
It'd be fairly easy to modify Java so that the primitives, including null, behave more like objects. And certainly, Java has inched that direction.

It doesn't solve anything fundamental though. You could make null.toString() return "null", but in most cases that will just be a bug. You're missing a null check or failed to initialize something.