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⬅️ Factorio – Statistics improvements, Linux adventures
doesnt_know 12 daysReload
> Most desktop environments will allow windows to supply their own decorations if they wish but will provide a default implementation on the server side as an alternative. GNOME, in their infinite wisdom, have decided that all clients must provide their own decorations, and if a client does not, they will simply be missing

I'm sure there was/is a good reason why this design decision was made, but it certainly seems a bit odd. Imagine if every game had to write decorations for every platform and desktop environment...

replyifuagree 12 daysReload
I covet that guys job big time. However, I'm actually too busy playing factorio to do his job so there's that.

hoten 12 daysReload
I'm a heavy user of and minor contributor to the Allegro library. We thought Factorio had got rid of Allegro long ago, but apparently some vestigial component remained. So long!

KeplerBoy 12 daysReload
Using fork to save the game state in the background is really clever. love it.

SCUSKU 12 daysReload
Will never cease to be amazed by the performance that Factorio gets.