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⬅️ Show HN: I made a spaced repetition tool to master coding problems
personjerry 11 daysReload
I feel like spaced repetition is exactly what you shouldn't do. Spaced repetition is great for rote memorization of arbitrary facts but programming is about how to think about and solve problems.

If you master the methods and ideas, you should be able to derive the answers on the spot. That's better than memorization because then you can actually deal with real interviewers who 1) Want to hear your train of thought and 2) Will give you random changes or variants to problems.

It's not about memorizing solutions, because in reality when are you ever going to reverse a linked list or balance a red-black tree? No, so if you're going to put in the effort anyway, you should learn the concepts and understand when to apply them so your knowledge is actually applicable. This will actually make you a better programmer, and you'll do better with the interviews that are actually good (I speak with experience giving interviews at FB).

andrewp123 11 daysReload
I've been working on a more effective leetcode site -

The goal of our site is to teach smart people how to quickly master leetcode.

We put in a year's worth of thought to make things as simple as possible, and are super proud of our content. Recently, two people used our site to land Amazon. Check it out!

mrg3_2013 11 daysReload
I continue to get puzzled with leetcode type things. Will coding exercises like this become obsolete someday or will the old guards continue to push for such things to be used during interviews? Today coding Copilots can easily replace leetcode "winners"

cubemaster 12 daysReload
Hey guys! I'm Shreya.

I recently noticed that many people that solve leetcode style problems to learn programming patterns tend to save links to problems they'd like to try again later on google docs/notes.

However, this doesn't help them remember to try these problems again or differentiate between problems that are more urgent to revise.

Built this tool to help solve this inefficiency!

davepeck 11 daysReload
Related: is an excellent learning platform that combines spaced repetition with interactive lessons targeted at professional developers.