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⬅️ New £4M hub for metabolic psychiatry
reify 147 daysReload
I am pro anything that breaks away from the idea that prescribing strong medication is the only intervention for mental ill health and other human ailments.

Over prescribing continues despite the fact that the outcome for patients with psychiatric illness having only marginally improved in the past decades.

I have been on a ketogenic diet for the last 20 years, long before it became fashionable.

There is promising ongoing research into the effects of the ketogenic diet on mental ill health as well as other areas of ill health such as diabetes and obesity.

I always ask myself this question:

What has changed in then human race over the past 100 years that has led to such a huge increases in mental illness and developmental problems. For me there is only one answer.

Our diet!

magicink81 147 daysReload
I find this exciting because after reading Brain Energy [1] by Christopher Palmer I was convinced that his thesis that "Mental disorders are metabolic disorders of the brain" is certainly worthy of research.


hiddencost 147 daysReload
This is a very small amount of money...