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⬅️ Univer: Open-Source Alternative for Google Sheets, Slides, Docs
solarkraft 11 daysReload
I'm still waiting for a document editor to approach styling sensibly. I don't want to explicitly set color, text size and others, I want to define style classes that I can easily change later.

I know that the office programs theoretically support this, but I found the flow so terrible to be impractical - no wonder casual users don't use it (all the way to many programmers hating WYSIWYG because they hate the process of manual styling so much).

kkfx 11 daysReload
Ehm... Do not take me wrong but "break application silos and connect business data to a single platform" mean "escape many jails, just come in our unified jail".

To be free we need usable data, so for instance instead of strange zipped file formats a spreadsheet (witch should not exists, but that's another story) should save data as *sv/SQLite DB by default, a visual doc should be LaTeX or something similar and so on. The suite should be only a viewer.

rspoerri 11 daysReload
I think this is more interesting:

ranger_danger 11 daysReload
Another option:

And a similar project for Photos, also end-to-end encrypted:

ohmyiv 11 daysReload
> Sheets Print (Pro Feature) Experience the HD printing capabilities of Univer Sheets

Is there a reason for "HD" printing vs "regular"?

Sorry, my spreadsheet usage is limited to numbers and letters so "HD" printing sounds superfluous.