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⬅️ I'm creating PBR Textures and 3D models since 2018 and sharing them for free
catapart 12 daysReload
I've had my eye on this for a couple of months now because you guys are doing exactly what I'm doing when it comes to modular asset/utility development: putting it in the public domain, where it belongs.

I'm all for making money on specialization or convenience, but I really can't find it in myself to build a perfectly useful something and then only use it for myself unless someone else can pay for it. As long as it's fully modular, I just have to give it away for free. Some things - no matter how much work they took to make - are just not worth paying for. Or, at the very least, I would never pay for them. So rather than just keep everything to myself so I can use it the one time, I can't see any reason not to just make it entirely available to the public.

And, good god, I would be so embarrassed to see my name in the credits of something with a label like "provided image formatter", or something. So attribution is something that I really couldn't care less about. It's always a nice gesture, but some things just aren't worth attributing.

All of which is to say: I love your interest in releasing these things to the public domain, and I'm very eager to join you! I've worked in games since before the original THQ went under, and have been using Unreal for the last 6 years or so. I'd be happy to get into whatever process you guys are using, and provide assets to whatever specifications you enforce. I find the most important thing about assets is that they be uniform (so large-scale changes can all happen in the same way, per asset). So I'm happy to conform, just so I can make assets that will act well in-editor.

Unfortunately, I'm mired in some side-project dev work, and won't be able to work on games, or game assets, probably for the rest of the year. So I've got to put off helping until I can clear my plate some. But I have bookmarked you guys, and will follow up to see if you have any interest in additional help with this kind of work, as soon as I can!

Aside from all that, thanks again for providing this. It really is a useful and altruistic endeavor!

aarongeisler 12 daysReload
This is great! I added the link to my list of free game dev resources:

Is there a tool you used to create these materials that you would recommend?

jandrese 12 daysReload
Browsing the models is a bit of a trip. Potato, chair, onion, lamp, medieval torture device, banana, couch...

r1chardnl 12 daysReload
What are atlases used for?

anticorporate 12 daysReload
Love this! One nit. The homepage says “All of our content is copyright-free. It means, you can use them anywhere you want which includes commercial projects too.” That's not how copyright works. All of these works are copyright. That copyright is what allows the owner of the copyright to place them under a CC0 license. What CC0 really means is "the copyright holder has waived the rights they have under copyright by granting you a non-exclusive license to use this work pretty much however you choose."