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⬅️ Brutalist Churches
nabla9 12 daysReload
It seems like most new churches in Finland are brutalist concrete slabs at least from outside.

They are called "defense bunkers against devil"

Some pictures:

mayormcmatt 12 daysReload
Our family used to attend Newman Hall Church in Berkeley, California back in the '90s -- a very brutalist building of a church. Although religion never took for me, I had fond memories of the after-church donut feasts in the community space. I don't know if the intention of the architecture was to get me to focus on the mass, but young me just spent the entire time taking in the strange geometries of the place.

SideburnsOfDoom 12 daysReload
If you're ever in Reykjavík, check out the Hallgrímskirkja. Completed in 1986, located visibly, on a hill. From outside it's very impressive, with the soaring spire shaped (IMHO) like a supersonic aircraft ascending vertically. A stone angel.

temp0826 12 daysReload
Shouldn't churches evoke feelings of divinity instead of oppression? (I know it's popular to hate on brutalist architecture, but really isn't a place of worship the last place you'd want it?)

egypturnash 12 daysReload
These all look like churches that I would encounter with blood everywhere in the middle of a first-person shooter. They also look like total acoustical nightmares. All that echo-ey concrete, yikes.