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⬅️ Cult of the Dead Cow – Veilid (2023)
freedomben 13 daysReload
This was actually announced/released last year. It is absolutley fascinating and deserving of HN (IMHO).

> Veilid is an open-source, peer-to-peer, mobile-first, networked application framework.



Slides from the Defcon presentatino:


egypturnash 13 daysReload
Has VeilidChat (or anything else running on top of Veilid) been released? The page for that ( says its code will be released “in the coming weeks”; the whole Veilid site looks unchanged since its initial publication back in 2023.

Edit: ah, some bouncing around through their FAQs found a repo for it that has commits within the last week/month: - looks like “hand this to your non-technical friends” is still a very long way away.

jeroenhd 12 daysReload
I had high hopes for Veilid when it was unveiled (ha) but I stopped hearing about it soon after it was published online. Veilid Chat didn't really seem to work once I found the source code and except for a few "hello world" networking programs I haven't seen anything use the protocol yet. The official website doesn't seem to be getting any updates anymore.

A shame, because this has a lot to offer, in my opinion.

31337Logic 13 daysReload
Wow. Today I learned CdC and ACiD are still a thing. ;-)

Thanks for posting this. Even though slightly old, still timely and relevant.

gryfft 13 daysReload
The web needs more sites hosting raw .html pages formatted as plain text decorated with ASCII art with zero regard for mobile. I say this with complete sincerity.