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⬅️ IceCube observes seven potential tau neutrinos
wanderingstan 12 daysReload
The IceCube observatory is incredible:

Incredible to image a square kilometer of pure ice transformed into a sensor to detect rare subatomic particles!

duffyjp 12 daysReload
I went to UW Madison and now work there and know someone who did a rotation at IceCube (doing tech support). It would be a really neat life experience but Wisconsin is already too cold for my taste.

What they do it totally out of my field, but I love hearing about it. It's a big source of pride in the university.

southpolesteve 12 daysReload
I worked on this project in college and went to the South Pole in 2009. Happy to see it is still making discoveries!

staunton 12 daysReload
Using neutral networks to pre-filter data, especially networks trained on stimulations, should be seen as somewhat suspect as it potentially introduces bias into the analysis that is very hard to quantity, let alone control.

Unfortunately, the current hype around neural networks incentivizes scientists to use them even in situations where there is no need. (maybe in this case there's no other way, I'm not sure...)

khazhoux 12 daysReload
Didn't even have to use the Antarctic Kymograph! I gotta say...