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⬅️ Japan's Moon lander makes it through another lunar night
inamberclad 16 daysReload
Man, that thing keeps chugging! Great news for JAXA, I wonder what additional science they're getting out of it. I know that we would have used any extra time for further downlink. So much data, such little bandwidth!

liampulles 16 daysReload
I recently watched a documentary about the ongoing Voyager missions[1], and this same tactic (turning instrument heaters off to save power, hoping the instruments still produce useful data) continues to be used with success.

In that documentary, it was remarked by one of the engineers that scientists often designed these instruments to be more robust than what was expected.


p1mrx 16 daysReload
Here's a paper about the batteries they used, but I don't see any mention of temperature testing below 0°C:

ryan_j_naughton 16 daysReload
Can someone help me understand - besides batteries, why does extreme cold negatively impact other electronics?

jordz 16 daysReload
Does anyone else find it strange that craters on the moon can reach a temperature lower than absolute zero, according this article anyway? =)