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⬅️ Fragmented thinking is a bigger threat to flow state than interruptions
sanderjd 16 daysReload
I think the primary point here is that interruptions don't only happen externally, but also internally. I think this point is a bit obscured by the article's use of this "fragmented thinking" terminology, which it does not do a good job of defining before building an argument on top of it. (I found myself searching for those words to see if I had missed the definition.)

However, I do think this is an insightful point! I think these "internal interruptions" are indeed a big problem for me, and one I don't think about nearly as much, but will try to more now that I've read this article.

The frustrating thing about external interruptions is the inability to control them. Things like turning off notifications and putting on headphones are mechanisms to reduce that frustration by imposing control over those interruptions.

The good news for these internal interruptions is that it should be much easier to control them. But it requires being aware of the problem! So I'm thankful to this article for making this more top of mind for me.

voidhorse 15 daysReload
I think this is one reason why doing your design work on pen and paper in a quiet place, before you sit down to write any code, can be a game changer. Thinking on the fly and trying to keep a bunch of state in your head is difficult. Mathematical notation is super powerful and there's a reason it exists—use it!

I also find that some programmers' bad habits naturally lead to "fragmented" thinking or lack of sustained focus. A lot of beginning programmers I encounter are sort of like information mice. They have some specific problem that they need a quick answer to, so they hunt around and scavenge for it, skimming various resources like crazy until they find it. While this works for basic, entry-level work and tasks, the same behavior is a complete achilles heel as you progress in you career and have to solve more complex problems. It teaches you to abandon detailed, sustained, focused thinking and building of deep understanding—the kind that allows you to solve problems in a novel way—for a mode of consumption and thinking that is shallow, fragile, and built upon expectations of instantaneousness and immediate gratification. I realize that having the time not to settle for scavenging is sometimes a luxury, but resist the impulse if you can!

janandonly 15 daysReload
I don't think that I have ADHD, but at times I just have to re-read a sentence a couple of times to grasp its meaning. Or rewind 30 seconds in a podcast or audiobook to listen again.

If this happens too many times in a row, I assume I'm tired, so I switch to a more manual task (like doing the dishes).

I remember times when I just had to study at that moment. I would force myself to re-read sentences until they made sense. I would rephrase the sentence or read the same sentence in another language that I know, until it made sense. I could spend the whole afternoon focussing on just a few pages. But I think it was a good exercise. I think focus is like a "muscle" that can be trained a bit.

ChrisMarshallNY 15 daysReload
This was an excellent article.

However, I would add one practice to the things we can do, to reduce fragmented thinking. It's probably the oldest trick in the book; thousands of years old.

Create structured habits.

This is what musicians do, when they practice scales, endlessly, or artists do, when they are constantly doodling (I have done both).

When something becomes habit, we no longer think about it. It becomes "muscle memory."

There's a bunch of habits that I employ in my own work, and I feel that they pay off. To go into more detail would take more work than I feel like doing, now (I really need to get back to writing, but have gotten out of practice).

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."

- Mis-attributed to Aristotle

Too 15 daysReload
54% of developers find that “Waiting on answers to questions often causes interruptions and disrupts my workflow.”

Isn’t this ironic? We are not allowed interrupt for questions, yet we find that the delay of waiting causes other interruptions.

Designing systems and documentation to avoid question thus becomes a double win-win.