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⬅️ TIS-100: Tessellated Intelligence System
kibwen 12 daysReload
Zachtronics is a contender for the greatest game studio you've never heard of.

If you're a fan of Factorio, you owe it to yourself to play SpaceChem, TIS-100, Shenzhen I/O, Opus Magnum, Exapunks, and Last Call BBS.

(In fact, since Factorio was inspired by a Minecraft mod, and since Zachtronics' Infiniminer was the direct inspiration for Minecraft, there's no Factorio without Zachtronics!)

nickloewen 11 daysReload
TIS-100 is great. The “mesh of many tiny cores” architecture is cool, and also somewhat mind-bending — but the simplicity of the TIS design makes it just about possible to get your head around it.

After playing TIS a bit I found it really interesting to read about the Transputers and the Connection Machines, two similar real-world architectures.

David Ackley’s T2 Tile project[0] and Movable Feast Machine[1] look similar to me too, but they take the idea much further; the aim is to create an infinitely scalable and totally decentralized architecture. I only know a little about it, but it’s super cool stuff.

[0] [1]

wishfish 11 daysReload
I've finished Exapunks. Should go back and finish TIS-100.

One thing I both love & hate about Zachtronics is the Histogram of Doom that appears at the end of each problem. There's no better feeling than ending up in the top ranks for efficiency or speed. And no worse feeling than refactoring everything and still not budging from the middle of the pack.

Considering you're being ranked against other players, in some ways this makes a Zachtronics game one of the more vicious multiplayer games. I mean, you're never playing against another player directly. But you're always being compared to others and it can be humbling at times.

anta40 12 daysReload
As a software developer who occasionally having fun with assembly coding, I think this Shenzen/IO are the finest coding games by Zachtronics (and probably in general, ever).

I'd love an updated/improved version of CoreWar, but probably it's too geeky for most people. Oh well...

DaveGargan 11 daysReload
At one stage we seriously considered ditching programming questions in our interview process and instead have candidates play 2 levels of TIS-100