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⬅️ Show HN: I taught ChatGPT to find cool domain names – with availability check
RileyJames 32 daysReload
How is this more useful than the current state of domain name idea generators, which also do a search for the availability of the domain?

It just seems, slower?

The feat of doing that with ai alone might make an interesting blog post. But the end result as a product isn’t something I’m going to use just because it’s using ai.

The job to be done is not to use ai to do x.

Tho I would be interested to read the blog post..

dutchbrit 32 daysReload
Cool - not sure I'd want my prompt to be seen by others (which you can achieve by changing the incremental id in the url). Maybe use a uuid instead if you want to make it shareable?

opdahl 32 daysReload
What do you mean you "taught" ChatGPT. In what way did you teach ChatGPT to find cool domain names?

anonymouse008 32 daysReload
Just don’t front run us, ok?

mikkom 32 daysReload
I get very poor results from this. I get much better results when I just use chatGPT directly with some custom prompt that asks for good domain names. Here is just one example

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