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⬅️ DBRX: A new open LLM
djoldman 32 daysReload
Model card for base:

> The model requires ~264GB of RAM

I'm wondering when everyone will transition from tracking parameter count vs evaluation metric to (total gpu RAM + total CPU RAM) vs evaluation metric.

For example, a 7B parameter model using float32s will almost certainly outperform a 7B model using float4s.

Additionally, all the examples of quantizing recently released superior models to fit on one GPU doesnt mean the quantized model is a "win." The quantized model is a different model, you need to rerun the metrics.

hintymad 32 daysReload
Just curious, what business benefit will Databricks get by spending potentially millions of dollars on an open LLM?

XCSme 32 daysReload
I am planning to buy a new GPU.

If the GPU has 16GB of VRAM, and the model is 70GB, can it still run well? Also, does it run considerably better than on a GPU with 12GB of VRAM?

I run Ollama locally, mixtral works well (7B, 3.4GB) on a 1080ti, but the 24.6GB version is a bit slow (still usable, but has a noticeable start-up time).

briandw 32 daysReload
Worse than the chart crime of truncating the y axis is putting LLaMa2's Human Eval scores on there and not comparing it to Code Llama Instruct 70b. DBRX still beats Code Llama Instruct's 67.8 but not by that much.

underlines 32 daysReload
Waiting for Mixed Quantization with MQQ and MoE Offloading [1]. With that I was able to run Mistral 8x7B on my 10 GB VRAM rtx3080... This should work for DBRX and should shave off a ton of VRAM requirement.
